среда, 23 ноября 2011 г.

The Chilled Mocha Espresso

The espresso beverage is one coffee drink that can be used for cold drinks, warm coffee drinks, as well as plenty of other food items. There are all sorts of ways to use espresso that it may seem like no one will ever run out of ideas. However, one important recipe that many people use when drinking their espresso is to create a Chilled Mocha Espresso. There are plenty of ways to turn espresso into another fantastic product other than what it started out as and a Chilled Mocha Espresso is just one way in which individuals can create their own version of their favorite coffee beverage!

What is a Mocha?

On the one hand you may be excited about getting to try something new and the Mocha coffee beverage may be just right up your alley. On the other hand, you may be apprehensive about turning the coffee drink into something you are unsure about and don't know what to expect from it. All in all, though, rest assured that with a Mocha drink you will be able to taste the espresso very much! This leads us to the burning question, though, of what really is a Mocha. A Mocha beverage is consumed in virtually every part of the world that an espresso is, but all a Mocha beverage is, however, is an espresso with a bit of chocolate syrup or other chocolate topping added to the base of the espresso. Even though it might seem like the espresso by itself is a sweet drink, there may be some others who want to try to sweeten it up even more!

Now that you know exactly what a mocha is then it's time to not only try the mocha beverage but also to make a Chilled Mocha Espresso. What this all entails, however, is spreading the Mocha over ice in order for the beverage to get cold. Many coffee shops and restaurants already sell the Chilled Mocha Espresso, but one good thing about learning what a Mocha actually is, though, is that you will be able to make the beverage yourself! In fact, many people actually prefer to make the mocha by him or her self before actually trying to beverage out in public just to see if they like it or not. Chances are, though, that a regular espresso drinker would naturally love the addition of chocolate to his or her espresso, which is basically what the whole Chilled Mocha Espresso is all about!

Of course after the Chilled Mocha Espresso is made then you can also move on to bigger and better beverages. This can be done by adding ingredients to the already Chilled Mocha Espresso, but it can also be done by pouring the chilled beverage into another drink to make the perfect espresso variety! As you probably already know there are more espresso varieties to go around then there are espresso cups in the world, but those who regularly drink espresso are probably glad for all of this, especially the Chilled Mocha Espresso!

вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.

Making A Good Espresso

 Drinking espresso has become a way of life for most people, particularly those who have heavy schedules and who take time out to relax with a cup of freshly brewed espresso or coffee. Coffee is so popular it is believed that it comes next to water as a popular drink. The whole world loves a good cup of coffee that annual consumption can reach to as high as 400 billion coffee cups all over the world. Most avid coffee or espresso drinkers can have a cup of espresso a day or even more, without knowing where this rousing beverage came from. That heavenly brew comes from coffee beans that are sourced from evergreen trees that are grown all over the world. The evergreen tree is widely grown in Latin America, Indonesia, Hawaii, Southeast Asia and in Africa. While the word espresso may have come from an Italian word meaning express or fast, it really is a misnomer since espresso or brewed coffee have to undergo a process before one can enjoy its freshly brewed taste. To make a good espresso, one has to start with a good coffee variety that must have undergone proper grinding. A good espresso maker handled by a capable barista can yield an espresso that can taste heavenly. The goodness of an espresso can be determined even from its aroma alone. Coffee drinkers who are serious about making good espresso should invest in a good espresso machine. Good espresso machines come in a variety of brands, sizes and prices. You need not spend more to get a good espresso machine because there are good espresso makers that are reason ably priced. When making the espresso, always remember to turn on the espresso machine and allow it to heat properly. Establishments that have fast espresso orders do not really put off their machines to make sure it is properly heated for every espresso order. When buying coffee beans, it is better to grind them as you use them because keeping them even in a tight container after grinding can result to a loss of aroma. Attention should also be placed on the type of grinder being used, with conical burr grinders preferred than flat burr grinders. The grinder with a conical burr is preferred because it can grind the beans without heating them and lessening their aroma in the process. While the kind of coffee beans used for the espresso must be chosen well, baristas should also make sure that only filtered water is used for the espresso as the water's mineral content can affect the taste of the espresso. When one finds a good coffee blend, the tendency is to buy more for storage. When you do this, do not commit the mistake of keeping coffee in the freezer or refrigerator. It is best to store them in a container that is foolproof and clean and place them in a dark and cool area.

четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

7 Steps for World Class Gourmet Coffee

For a change, a good cup of coffee would be nice. It does take some time and some energy to find a great cup of gourmet coffee these days. If you do know of a perfect coffee shop, you are one of the lucky ones. But, did you know that you can basically make a nice cup of coffee on your own from home?

Here are 7 simple steps that you can take to produce the perfect cup of coffee every time.

Spring Offer: 25 bags just $7 per bag + Free shippStart with quality. One of the most critical aspects of coffee drinking is the grade of the coffee that you start off with. If you have a favorite flavor, then purchase whole beans in that flavor. If you can do this, it will allow you to get the most fresh coffee accessible.

Grind away. Purchase a quality coffee grinder. Some of the best grinders available today are easy to use and easy to clean up. By grinding your own coffee beans, youll be able to only grind what you need, meaning that you will have complete freshness in your coffee.

Store It Right And Tight. It is very fundamental to store your coffee tightly. Air oxidizes the coffee and can make it to get bitter quickly. Metal canisters can also enable a metal taste to get into the coffee, making it taste bad.

The top solution is for a plastic or ceramic air tight container for your coffee and coffee beans. Also, store it at room temperature because the moisture in the fridge or freezer can make it go bad faster.

Getting To The Coffee

The Maker. The coffee maker that you use is also critical. No matter what style that you go with, you can get a good cup of coffee out of it if you take the essential steps to keeping it fresh.

For example, you should insure that the coffee maker is kept clean after each use. In fact, youll need to make sure that you detail clean it, with the assistance of vinegar, every so often as well. Your preferences will ultimately determine which style of coffee maker you will use. Make sure that it uses a permanent filter in it.

Even In The Water. Even the water that you use is central to the quality of the coffee you will get from it. It is essential that you use water that is free from chlorine and minerals.
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Often, using bottled water rather than tap water will augment the quality of the coffee. Also, keep the water nice and hot. A good temperature for the water is about 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Supply The Right Amount. It is also central for you to use the right quantity of coffee beans and coffee grounds in the maker. Too many and you will have a very strong cup of coffee and too few will make it to be too weak. Follow the directions provided by the coffee producer for the best cup of coffee.

Lastly and probably the most vital aspect of getting a great cup of gourmet coffee is to make sure to enjoy your coffee when it is hot and fresh. Most restaurants are told to keep coffee for less than thirty minutes, but at home, the best coffee is the coffee that hasnt sat for more than twenty minutes.

суббота, 27 августа 2011 г.

6 Tips For When You Buy Coffee Beans

Labor Day Sale: 20 bags just $7.45 + Free shippingPeople who are looking to buy coffee beans generally make a quick decision. They base their choice on the packaging that the coffee is in. They may base their decision on the commercial that they have seen for a specific brand. While these are easy ways to choose coffee beans, they are not the best. There are specific things that you should look for and do when you are choosing coffee beans. These 6 tips will help you to make the best decision possible.

Smell The Coffee

Smelling the coffee first thing that you should do when comparing coffee beans. It can help you to better understand the full flavor of the coffee. It will also show you the smell that you will be waking up to when you make your coffee. While all of the other aspects of coffee are important, this will help you to choose the better coffee.

Ask for a Sample

If you can, ask for a sample of the coffee. Samples will allow you to taste the coffee. This is the ultimate way to buy coffee. Samples are not always available. Simply ask the store for a sample of coffee. Even if you have to pay for the sample, it will be worth the small purchase.

Visit a Coffee Shop

Visit a coffee shop to see what various types of coffee beans are available. Coffee shops will often have different kinds of coffee that are not found in other stores.

Read Online Reviews

Online reviews can help you to narrow down your coffee bean choices. Online reviews can give you a general understanding of the quality of the brand. If the coffee is too weak or too strong, the reviews will let you know. If the flavor is off, a review will let you know.

Purchase Sample Sizes

Some types of coffee beans can be purchased in sample sizes. These smaller bags of coffee will allow you to try out the coffee before you commit to a purchase of a full bag.

Try New Things

Don't be afraid to try new things. Unique and unfamiliar types of coffee could wind up as your favorite brand. If you can afford it, simply purchase various types of coffee. This will give you a better understanding of coffee beans on the market.

Smelling the coffee will give you a better understanding of the flavor of the coffee. It can help you to fully understand the aroma that will be in your home when you make the coffee. Asking for a sample, when available, is the quickest way to buy coffee beans.

Visiting a coffee shop and reading online reviews will give you the full range of available coffee beans. Purchasing sample sizes is an easy way to try various types of coffee without the financial burden of buying an entire bag. By being willing to try new things, you will find it easy to purchase coffee.

четверг, 18 августа 2011 г.

What is Espresso?

Even though most coffees have been around for hundreds of years, this is not the same for espresso. Espresso, on the other hand, is essentially a more concentrated cup of coffee. There are many reasons why espresso is loved more than any other coffee and perhaps the reason that it is enjoyed by so many people throughout the world is because it really does have quite a different nature than other coffees! But not only is espresso a more concentrated cup of coffee, but the taste is very different as well and may account for some of the reason why espresso is usually liked more than coffee.

The Nature of Espresso

Espresso originated in Milan, Italy in the early 19th Century. Many Italians call espresso a romantic kind of coffee and it's easy to see why. The nature of espresso is such that it doesn't take a whole lot to fill you up. But to define espresso involves accounting for the different ingredients that it's made of. Espresso is essentially finely ground coffee beans that are tightly packed together and placed in an espresso machine. Machines are the easiest way to make espresso nowadays, which is why they are put into the machine in the first place. But nevertheless, they are placed in the machine and hot water creates steam. That steam is forced up to heat the coffee beans and produce a thick, drippy liquid called espresso. The thickness of espresso is also a defining feature because it is almost three to four times the consistency of regular black coffee.

Another one of espresso's defining characteristics which will help you to understand exactly what espresso looks like is the crema. The crema is a reddish-brown substance that floats on the top of the espresso itself. But the crema is actually the main part of the espresso that many people like because it also has a foamy substance attached to it. Of course on top of the crema is where many people sprinkle cinnamon, put a dollop of whipped cream, as well as sprinkle that with chocolate shavings. Even though it seems like espresso is a large drink considering all of the defining characteristics of it, espresso is actually consumed by the 1-ounce shot glasses. If made right, espresso can be the ultimate beverage of a lifetime!

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Espresso is also the base for which many other drinks are made. Whether you want to make a latte, mocha chill, or another version of the espresso drink then it all relies on the espresso coffee drink which so many people love! In fact, there are probably over a hundred different ways that espresso can be used; it is actually used for desserts, evening drinks, morning wake-up drinks, as well as for a whole variety of other drinks. If you have ever run into a coffee shop that sells espresso then chances are that you've heard just about all the beverage names that can be made from it. This shows just how truly popular an espresso drink can be!

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понедельник, 20 июня 2011 г.

Choosing Espresso Beans for your Espresso Machine

125x125 Seattles BestIf you are a regular espresso drinker then chances are that you know about all the different kinds of espresso beverages available. Simply put, there are dozens of ways that many people all over the world enjoy the same type of drink. Whether it's combining certain other ingredients to make a latte or adding different spices like cinnamon, there is really no end to the way that espresso can be used in a coffee drink! When it comes to making espresso, though, many people have trouble and are often confused about where to begin.

Of course, the first and foremost issue that you'll want to take care of is your espresso coffee machine. There are many different types of espresso machines on the market today. From manual espresso machines to automatic machines there are all different varieties and different prices as well. But the second thing on the list when making espresso is the coffee beans that are purchased for your drink. Considering the fact that the coffee beans make all the difference when it comes to the taste of your espresso one should pay the utmost care when buying them in the grocery or other coffee store.

Pre-Ground or Whole Coffee Beans

Choosing the type of coffee beans for your cup of espresso is very important and there are two basic kinds of beans to choose from. Espresso coffee beans usually come in pre-ground and pre-packaged servings, but they also come in whole coffee beans. Of course the whole coffee beans usually have to be ground yourself, but many people prefer grinding the coffee beans by themselves because it gives them a feeling of accomplishment as well as more control over how coarse or fine they want their espresso beans to be.

If you are like many people, however, chances are that you'll be purchasing the pre-ground coffee beans that are available in most of the grocery stores throughout the United States. Even though there is an advantage to doing this, you'll want to be sure that the packages actually fit in your espresso machine. Even though most pre-packaged and pre-ground espresso machines are made with care so they do fit in most machines, it is better to check then to end up not having any espresso in the morning because you didn't check the size of the packages!

Cafe Britt Coffee - Plantation Direct!Most of the pre-packaged espresso beans, though, will usually say whether or not they are compatible with all machines, so reading the label is also important before purchasing a specific pre-ground espresso bean package!

Sephra Chocolate Packages with Bamboo SkewersThe best method that many people choose for their coffee beverage is to simply grind the coffee beans before they're put into the espresso machine. As mentioned, this gives them the greatest control over how the espresso will taste considering the fact that espresso is either bitter or weak depending on just exactly how they are ground! There definitely is much to be concerned about, though, when choosing your coffee beans, so making sure you look at them wisely is very important!

вторник, 12 апреля 2011 г.

Making A Great Cup Of Coffee

Today, I will propose to you how to make a great cup of coffee. You can do it. There are a few secrets to the process. I will share these with you.

Start with the bean and pick your roast. Quality coffee can only come from a quality coffee bean that is properly roasted. The process of roasting a coffee bean is complex and can result in a given bean tasting very different depending on how it is roasted. If you desire a strong intense flavor to your coffee, choose a dark roast (ex: French Roast). If you like to a light flavor, less intense, choose a lighter roast.

Never use pre-ground coffee. Pre-ground coffee will lose its flavor and essence within a short period of time. Grinding before you brew will assure you that no flavor is lost due to time.

Always use cold filtered water when brewing your coffee. The water you use represents 98% of your cup of coffee. Filtering the water will remove impurities that could affect the taste. Poor quality water can come from a variety of sources. Example, older house will have older pipes. Theses pipes tend to give the water an off flavor. You will want to remove this by filtering. The basic rule is the better the water, the better the coffee.

Skip the paper filters and go for the gold. Yes, these are 23k Gold plated stainless steel filters. Paper filters will influence the flavor of the coffee in a negative manner. The Gold plated filters influence the flavor by allowing natural oils to infiltrate into your brew, adding a level of flavor and aroma you wont find with paper coffee filters. Another plus is that these filters can be reused over and over, and will last a very long time. Not only will your coffee be better, but you will be helping the environment by saving on waste.

Never over do it on the add-ins. Cut down on the sugar, cream, and other flavor add-ins to really enjoy the true essence of the brew. If we disguise the coffee to much; we will never know the true taste.

Part of what makes a great cup of coffee is how and when we enjoy it. We all have our favorite time and rituals. For me, nothing beats enjoying a great cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and reading the paper.

пятница, 1 апреля 2011 г.

Before You Purchase A Home Espresso Machine

Instead of running to your local coffee shop or favorite corner cafй for the perfect cut of espresso, consider making your own at home. If the thought of becoming a kitchen barista has you shaking without any caffeine, think again! There are a wide variety of espresso machines that are geared for home use, from the basic to the same machines used by the professionals. However, before you drop a couple hundred of dollars on that top of the line espresso machine, consider your options and needs. Also, if you are experiencing sticker shock from some of the higher end espresso machines, keep in mind that you are saving a great deal on a daily basis by avoiding high priced indulgences at coffee shops or cafes.

The first think you should know before choosing a home espresso machine is that there are several different varieties of machines. Each different type of machine will come with a different price tag and different capabilities. Although the top of the line machine may be nice, it may not necessarily meet your needs. Instead of buying an espresso machine simply because it is deemed the "best," buy a machine that you can (and will) use on a regular basis. The different types of home espresso machines are:

Pump Espresso: Typically what you will find in a coffee shop, a pump espresso machine are usually made for commercial purposes, but can be used in your home. Be prepared to expand your budget if you are looking to purchase a pump espresso machine, since they are typically the priciest of the bunch. Also, pump espresso machines are usually the largest, heaviest, and noisiest of the options, but it produces a fantastic cup of espresso. These machines work by using a pump to keep the water pressure at an appropriate level.

Piston Espresso: If you are looking for a great, low maintenance espresso machine, consider those than run on a piston or lever system. Instead of a pump to create pressure, these machines use a level that must be maneuvered in order to create steam. Although a piston espresso machine is very quiet, they may require a great deal of arm strength to continually pull on the lever. Furthermore, the piston espresso machine is capable of making a great cup of espresso, but it may take practice to get the hang of the process.

Steam Espresso: Using steam to create pressure to make the espresso, these steam powered espresso machines are typically the type found in the home. With smaller machines that occupy less space and cost less money, steam espresso machines are quite quick and easy to use. However, keep in mind that the steam produced may not provide the appropriate level of pressure, so the steam level should be constantly maintained.

Moka Pots: Moka Pots are a stovetop method to producing espresso. The process is simple and easy, although the final product may be less than professional. Using specially designed two-part pot, the steam produced by the water boiling in the bottom of the pot is forced into the top part of the pot, where the coffee is boiling. It requires a great deal less pressure than the other types of home espresso machines, but there is no milk frothing or foaming attachments, so you may have to sacrifice that feature for price and size.

Any one of these different types of home espresso machines will allow you to make a delicious cup of espresso. Your choice should be based upon needs, usability, overall size of the machine, and of course the price. A high end espresso machine can run up a bill in the thousands of dollars.

вторник, 29 марта 2011 г.

Alternatives to Your Daily Espresso

Espresso is one of those caffeinated coffee beverages that are usually held to a higher standard because everyone loves the drink dearly! Even though not exactly coffee, espresso has some of the same characteristics of a jolted coffee serving. Millions of people all over the world drink espresso at some point throughout their life and for many it becomes a daily routine. In fact, if a person who typically has espresso in their diet is away from their regular routine and can't get their hands on an espresso shot then chances are that they'll literally go nuts! On the other hand there are some good alternatives to an espresso beverage if you are unable to drink it for some reason or another. Many people away on business trips may have a hard time finding espresso stations, so here are some things to have instead of espresso in the morning or the evening:

Energy Drinks

Even though energy drinks probably have a lot more caffeine in them than an espresso, if one drinks espresso shots everyday then chances are the whole purpose is to bolster their energy level. On the same note, though, energy drinks such as Red Bull are able to have the same effect, if not a more powerful one! There are many of these energy drinks on the market today and many people use them for the same reason that espresso is consumed: energy galore!

Chewing Gum

Even though it doesn't seem like chewing gum would have much of the same effect that espresso does, in fact chewing gum is a great way to get active in the morning. Not only is the flavor in a lot of the gum popular these days, like Peppermint, Wintermint, or even Raspberry, but many people have found chewing gum a great way to start there morning. In addition, however, chewing gum is also a good way to get rid of morning breath if you know that you have the problem.

Soda Pop

Drinking a can of soda pop is also another excellent alternative to an espresso shot. Compared with the energy drinks, such as Red Bull listed above, soda pop servings have much less caffeine in them but probably have about the same amount as one or two shots of espresso. This makes the comparison between espresso and soda pop a whole lot easier even though you'll be missing the whole coffee flavor of the espresso. Nevertheless, though, many people use a morning Coca-Cola or Pepsi in the morning to wake themselves up!

Regular Black Coffee

Espresso is typically consumed for the awesome taste that it has been known to have, but regular coffee can have some of the same energizing effect as an espresso shot can. Watch out, though, because one cup of coffee probably has about ten or more times the amount of caffeine that an espresso serving has!

These are only a few of the alternatives to a rejuvenating glass of espresso. Espresso may be the number one coffee beverage in the world, but there are definitely great alternatives to it!

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суббота, 26 марта 2011 г.

Cappuccino Machines With An Italian Touch

Cappuccino began in Italy where it is still a delight of the morning routine. The Italians can tell a tourist from a native though because only a tourist will order a cappuccino after noon. It is considered a morning beverage in Italy, but in other regions of the world it is served throughout the day.

The Steps to Making a Cup of Cappuccino

Cappuccino is a tricky drink to master. It is divided into 3 parts: the espresso, the steamed milk, and the frothy or foamy milk. These layers created at the perfect proportions, textures and temperatures are what make the ideal cup of cappuccino. It used to take highly skilled chefs to create this concoction, but with the advent of the cappuccino machine, most of the guess work is taken out of it.

How Cappuccino Machines Work

Cappuccino machines are designed to brew and dispense the espresso coffee. Many can also do the step of grinding the coffee beans for an ultra fresh brew. When the espresso has been dispensed into the cup, the machine then adds steamed milk. These two steps are relatively easy, even though milk temperature and the strength of the espresso are important ingredients in this recipe.

The frothy milk is the most difficult part for humans or machines to get just right. The objective is to create a light foam, just the right temperature and with the optimal number air bubbles. This micro-foam stays warm when added to a cup of espresso and creates sweeter tasting foam than more dense concentrations of milk. This helps offset the bitterness of the espresso.

Makers of Cappuccino Makers

Bunn is one manufacture of some of the best cappuccino makers in the world. They are used in restaurants and homes alike because they are durable and able to maintain the ratios and temperatures required for great cappuccino. The restaurant models have up to 5 spouts for instant cappuccino and can cost close to $2,000. For home use, other brands provide more affordable options.

The Nespresso machines for home use costs about $400. This is a versatile machine that makes espresso but has plumbing for water to steam and a milk dispenser to create the foam for cappuccino or latte.

There are many other brands available of home and commercial cappuccino makers. Prices are more than a regular coffee maker because of the specialty features. Home machines generally dispense one or two small cups of coffee, while commercial grade machines can handle 5 cups simultaneously.

The Right Recipe For You

Unlike other types of coffee, espresso and cappuccino are very specific in terms of flavour, consistency and ingredients. One cup of coffee from one particular machine may taste just fine to one person, while the next person thinks it is weak or bitter. With espresso and cappuccino, there is a right taste and a wrong taste. You either like it or you don't, but don't mess with the recipe!

вторник, 22 марта 2011 г.

Where To Buy Coffee Online

The Internet is an incredible resource for purchases. You can find nearly anything that you could want or need on the Internet. If you are looking to buy coffee online, you can have multiple approaches. By combining these approaches, you can find the best coffee for your coffee needs. By looking up coffee brand websites, looking up coffee shop websites, and online grocers, you can find a plethora of coffee varieties.

Coffee Websites

You can easily find websites that are devoted to coffee. These websites will allow you to purchase different brands of coffee from one central website. The advantage of buying coffee online with this type of website is the fact that they are dedicated to coffee. Because they only offer coffee, you can know that they are offering quality products. They often have a great variety of coffee to choose from. While these may be the least reliable websites because of their lack of big-name branding, they offer the greatest variety and pricing. If you are looking for lesser known, interesting types of coffee, the coffee-centric website is perfect.

Coffee Shop Websites

You can easily find your favorite flavor of coffee-shop-chain coffee online. Each coffee chain offers their own coffee for purchase. You can easily find this coffee online through their respective websites. If you have a type of coffee that you like from this company, you can simply brew that coffee at home. While these websites are not great for variety, they work for those who know exactly what they want.

Online Grocery Websites

Internet grocery stores are growing in popularity. Many people will order their non-perishable goods online. This makes it easier for them to shop, as they can do so from the comfort of their own home. If you are simply looking for the popular, mainstream brands of coffee, this is your best option. You can easily find the biggest brand names in grocery-store coffee through these websites. You may also be able to buy this coffee (whether it be ground or whole bean) in bulk sizes. This will save you money over time, as it will be cheaper to buy the bulk product.

You can also use these Internet resources to read reviews on each type of coffee. You can quickly find the positives and negatives of each type of coffee. Users who have tried the coffee are the ones who are judging the coffee. They are giving you insight into the taste and quality of the product. This may help you to make your decision if you are looking at buying a new type of coffee.

It doesn't have to be difficult to buy coffee online. As long as you know what you are looking for, you can find your coffee quickly and easily. Looking at multiple websites will help you to find the most varieties, and the best deals. Take the time to look at these websites to best understand where to buy coffee on the Internet.

пятница, 18 марта 2011 г.

Boot Camp for Coffee Drinkers

Boot Camp for Coffee Drinkers

Ok, so we go to a local coffee house and we order cappuccinos, cafй mochas, lattes and espressos. It isn't the paper cups that make these drinks taste so good. It's the recipe and of course the prettiness factor. Baristas all have a style of their own and every cup will taste different because of the roast, the grind, the amount used, the water, the temperature and many other things. We have all tried to make these coffee delights at home the way we think they are made, but do we really know the real way they are supposed to be made to extract the enchanting flavors correctly? Here is a quick list of how to make the basic drinks. This is boot camp for coffee drinkers.

Cappuccino: Equal parts of steamed and frothed milk and espresso. The milk goes on top of the espresso. Dust with nutmeg, cinnamon or chocolate powder or shavings.

Cafй Mochas: The easiest way is to use a good brand of hot chocolate, throw in a shot of espresso and top with whipping cream and chocolate powder or shavings. It looks the best if you put it in a tall glass and use a long handled spoon. For a finishing touch add a saucer and a napkin. Or make a latte and toss in a chocolate flavored shot.

Lattes: Foam & steam milk to 140-degrees. The ratio is 50% espresso and 50% milk. Pour the milk down the side of the cup so it infuses with the espresso. The difference between this and a cappuccino is a latte blends the two things together, whereas the cappuccino keeps them separate.

Espressos: We've all had bad espresso. There are many reasons why this is. The number one reason is an unfavorable bean. If you like espresso you are likely a connoisseur of coffee and know what constitutes a good bean. Anyway, to make a good espresso you must do the following:
  • Use a fine grind
  • You must tamp the espresso down firmly
  • You must use a high pressure machine or stove top model
  • You must not try to make too much at once
  • You must see the creama on the top, which is a golden-brown foam
  • You must use an appropriate espresso cup to keep the temperature from dissipating too quickly

All in all, making coffee correctly is all up to you and the way your flavor buds react to the taste. If you like it a particular way, then make it that particular way. However, if you have guests over they may just like the basics. So do yourself a favor and learn the correct way to make lattes and espressos.

среда, 16 марта 2011 г.

A Brief History of Espresso

160x600 Coffee.org bannerLuigi Bezzera, the owner of a manufacturing business invented Espresso at the turn of the century.  Luigi Bezzera was simply trying to figure out a way to brew coffee faster.  He figured if he could just add pressure to the brewing process it would speed things up.  Thus the "Fast Coffee Machine" was created.  His idea of a fast cup of coffee turned out much better than he had planned, what he ended up with is a better, fuller tasting cup of strong coffee, as well as a much faster process.  He found that the quicker more efficient brewing method allowed for the quality of the beans to be extracted as opposed to over extracting he had previously experienced.  The term "Espresso" means fast in italian, hence the term.

It wasn't until later when Desidero Pavoni purchased the rights from Mr. Bezzera for the espresso machine that it became popular.  Pavoni was extremely successful in marketing the product and probably changed the way people drink coffee from then on.  Just look around!  Coffee and Espresso shops are popping up everywhere, even in the U.S. it has become not only popular for the delicious beans, but has given us a new place to socialize.

Espresso Timeline:

In 1901 Luigi Bezzera filed a patent for the espresso machine that contained a boiler and four "groups". Each group could take different size filters that contained the coffee.  Boiling water was forced through the coffee and into a cup.  Ambrogio Fumagelli says that this was the birth of (fast) espresso coffee.

In 1903 Luigi Bezzera's patent was then purchased by Desiderio Pavoni and put to market in a big way.

In 1905 The Pavoni company begins manufacturing the espresso machines soley based on Bezzera's patent.

In 1927 First espresso machine was installed in the United States.  It was a La Pavoni Espresso Machine installed at Regio's

in New York.

In 1938 Cremonesi designed a piston pump that forced hot water through the coffee.  It was installed at Achille Gaggia's

coffee bar.

In 1946 Gaggia begins manufacturing the commercial piston machine.  Resulting foam or cream layered coffee or cafe'.

воскресенье, 13 марта 2011 г.

4 Easy Tips for Making Iced Coffee Drinks at Home

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A big chill is sweeping the coffee industry as iced coffee beverages gain popularity.

According to the National Coffee Association, the percentage of Americans who drink iced coffee beverages increased from 20 percent in 2003 to 29 percent in 2004. Following the popularity of cappuccinos and mocha lattes, consumers are discovering that coffee is just as tasty - and even more refreshing - when served cold.

Iced coffee can be as easy to prepare as iced tea. A variety of options, such as flavoring syrups, cold milk, chocolate and spices, allow you to create personalized coffee concoctions that are just as delicious as those served in your favorite cafe.

Beverages such as iced vanilla mocha, iced rum coffee and iced latte are easy to make at home. Here are some tips for refreshing iced coffee drinks.

* Pour the flavoring syrup into the cup first. To complete the drink, pour in espresso or coffee, then the ice, and top it off with cold milk.

* Don't let your beverage become watered down. Cool your favorite coffee beverage with ice cubes made from fresh-brewed coffee instead of water.

* Use a machine that produces a high quality coffee or espresso. The Capresso CoffeeTeam Luxe, for example, grinds coffee beans right before brewing and allows you to control the strength of your coffee.

* Be creative. Add a personalized touch to your iced coffee beverages with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, nutmeg or cinnamon.