суббота, 27 августа 2011 г.

6 Tips For When You Buy Coffee Beans

Labor Day Sale: 20 bags just $7.45 + Free shippingPeople who are looking to buy coffee beans generally make a quick decision. They base their choice on the packaging that the coffee is in. They may base their decision on the commercial that they have seen for a specific brand. While these are easy ways to choose coffee beans, they are not the best. There are specific things that you should look for and do when you are choosing coffee beans. These 6 tips will help you to make the best decision possible.

Smell The Coffee

Smelling the coffee first thing that you should do when comparing coffee beans. It can help you to better understand the full flavor of the coffee. It will also show you the smell that you will be waking up to when you make your coffee. While all of the other aspects of coffee are important, this will help you to choose the better coffee.

Ask for a Sample

If you can, ask for a sample of the coffee. Samples will allow you to taste the coffee. This is the ultimate way to buy coffee. Samples are not always available. Simply ask the store for a sample of coffee. Even if you have to pay for the sample, it will be worth the small purchase.

Visit a Coffee Shop

Visit a coffee shop to see what various types of coffee beans are available. Coffee shops will often have different kinds of coffee that are not found in other stores.

Read Online Reviews

Online reviews can help you to narrow down your coffee bean choices. Online reviews can give you a general understanding of the quality of the brand. If the coffee is too weak or too strong, the reviews will let you know. If the flavor is off, a review will let you know.

Purchase Sample Sizes

Some types of coffee beans can be purchased in sample sizes. These smaller bags of coffee will allow you to try out the coffee before you commit to a purchase of a full bag.

Try New Things

Don't be afraid to try new things. Unique and unfamiliar types of coffee could wind up as your favorite brand. If you can afford it, simply purchase various types of coffee. This will give you a better understanding of coffee beans on the market.

Smelling the coffee will give you a better understanding of the flavor of the coffee. It can help you to fully understand the aroma that will be in your home when you make the coffee. Asking for a sample, when available, is the quickest way to buy coffee beans.

Visiting a coffee shop and reading online reviews will give you the full range of available coffee beans. Purchasing sample sizes is an easy way to try various types of coffee without the financial burden of buying an entire bag. By being willing to try new things, you will find it easy to purchase coffee.

четверг, 18 августа 2011 г.

What is Espresso?

Even though most coffees have been around for hundreds of years, this is not the same for espresso. Espresso, on the other hand, is essentially a more concentrated cup of coffee. There are many reasons why espresso is loved more than any other coffee and perhaps the reason that it is enjoyed by so many people throughout the world is because it really does have quite a different nature than other coffees! But not only is espresso a more concentrated cup of coffee, but the taste is very different as well and may account for some of the reason why espresso is usually liked more than coffee.

The Nature of Espresso

Espresso originated in Milan, Italy in the early 19th Century. Many Italians call espresso a romantic kind of coffee and it's easy to see why. The nature of espresso is such that it doesn't take a whole lot to fill you up. But to define espresso involves accounting for the different ingredients that it's made of. Espresso is essentially finely ground coffee beans that are tightly packed together and placed in an espresso machine. Machines are the easiest way to make espresso nowadays, which is why they are put into the machine in the first place. But nevertheless, they are placed in the machine and hot water creates steam. That steam is forced up to heat the coffee beans and produce a thick, drippy liquid called espresso. The thickness of espresso is also a defining feature because it is almost three to four times the consistency of regular black coffee.

Another one of espresso's defining characteristics which will help you to understand exactly what espresso looks like is the crema. The crema is a reddish-brown substance that floats on the top of the espresso itself. But the crema is actually the main part of the espresso that many people like because it also has a foamy substance attached to it. Of course on top of the crema is where many people sprinkle cinnamon, put a dollop of whipped cream, as well as sprinkle that with chocolate shavings. Even though it seems like espresso is a large drink considering all of the defining characteristics of it, espresso is actually consumed by the 1-ounce shot glasses. If made right, espresso can be the ultimate beverage of a lifetime!

Spring Offer: 20 bags just $7.95 + Free shipping -
Espresso is also the base for which many other drinks are made. Whether you want to make a latte, mocha chill, or another version of the espresso drink then it all relies on the espresso coffee drink which so many people love! In fact, there are probably over a hundred different ways that espresso can be used; it is actually used for desserts, evening drinks, morning wake-up drinks, as well as for a whole variety of other drinks. If you have ever run into a coffee shop that sells espresso then chances are that you've heard just about all the beverage names that can be made from it. This shows just how truly popular an espresso drink can be!

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